


wooden bicycle



Hi, I’m Walter Milesi, the founder and owner of WALMIBIKE. 

I live in the Brembana Valley, which is known for its beautiful nature and breathtaking landscapes. The different textures and colours of the wood around me and my passion for cycling sparked an idea. In 2019 I produced my first handmade wooden bike frame, and this is when WALMIBIKE was born. I have continued to develop and fine-tune the design over the years ensuring the frame shape is modern and reflects current trends.

wooden bicycles with a unique design



All frames are hand-crafted using the values of Italian craftsmanship (uniqueness, excellence, and durability), from solid walnut and ash wood, and reinforced with carbon fibers. This means no frame is ever the same. Purchasing one of my frames means you will have a one-off unique product.

With constant fine-tuning and design modifications, the weight of the bike is now 3.4kg, down from 4.4kg.


To finish off, I give the frame a coat of varnish which not only makes it look great but also protects the integrity of the wood. Each frame is also engraved with my logo and product number. 

unique modern furniture with wood
functional bicyclesecological bicyclecurvature of the woodeyJpdCI6InVuIG5vbWUgdW4gcHJvZG90dG8gdW5hIGVzY2x1c2l2aXTgICIsImVuIjoiYW4gZXhjbHVzaXZlIGJyYW5kIn0=bicycle in walnut and ash woodbicycle in birch plywoodeyJpdCI6ImFydGlnaWFuYWxpdOAgbGF2b3JhemlvbmUgbGVnbm8iLCJlbiI6ImVjb2xvZ2ljYWwgYmljeWNsZSJ920220906182023_img_1641.jpegimg_1876.jpegimg_1916.jpegimg_1856.jpeg


green bike
green bike
wood processing


Each product is handcrafted, designed for play/exhibition purposes. The bike is fully functional in all its parts, it has no certification, however the bikes are personally tested to prove their reliability and functionality.

Do-it-yourself tests have been carried out on the breaking load, showing incredible resistance.


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